The PL2004 CD is no longer available on-line. Make a request in alt.comp.freeware if you wish to obtain a copy.
PL2005 CD
See for additional information.
The PL2005 ISO is hosted by: Army Redleg (coming soon), Ashlyn Huq, Steven Burn, and burnr.
The sites have limited bandwidth. Email a request for a download link to:
PL2005CD AT pricelesswarehome DOT org
Subject: PL2005 download link request
In addition to the above, the CD is hosted by Maxim as bandwidth limits permit:
Binary Download
Subject: PL 2005 ISO Being Posted to alt.binaries.freeware
From: jo
I would think it safe to say that the post has now dropped off every server on earth. :-)
I remain surprised that people prefer fighting for ftp bandwidth when the CD could have been downloaded from usenet in a couple of hours. Horses for courses. etc.
Verifying copies of the PL2005 CD
An alternate method of verifying copies of the PL2005 CD
download and install:
download this file: PL2005_CD-checksum.md5
(save the page as a text document)
Insert the PL2005 CD in your CD drive.
Start Fingerprint, the program will ask "You do not have any profiles. Would you like to create one now?" Choose "no". Choose Hash Directory from the Action Menu, select the drive that contains your PL2005 CD.
When the program has finished running right click in the MD5 Hash Values window and choose "select all".
Right click again and choose "compare selected files to a file of MD5 values".
Navigate to the "PL2005_CD-checksum.md5" file.
If the checksums match the program will display a "Confirm" window with this message: "No differences found."
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