
Link 6a Filter

Filtering-with-NewsProxy Page


The following nfilter file is used to eliminate posts from sporge news gateways based on the X-Complaints-To: header field, using the scoring method. It also shows how to exempt a user within a banned host from being dropped. The newsgroup wildcard can be replaced with a specific newsgroup name if desired. Edit and update as needed.


# Start Nfilter.dat list

# Any line that starts with a # is a comment line and will be ignored.

# Blank lines are not permitted.

# This list requires that "Enable Regular Expressions" be turned off.

# In NewsProxy Click Edit | Configuration, then uncheck the

# Regular Expressions box.


# Exempt users within a banned host from being dropped

* score:-100 From:**

* score:-100 From:*john smith*


# The following hosts are banned

* score:+10 X-Complaints-To:**

* score:+10 X-Complaints-To:**

* score:+10 X-Complaints-To:**

* score:+10 X-Complaints-To:**

* score:+10 X-Complaints-To:**

* score:+10 X-Complaints-To:**

* score:+10 X-Complaints-To:** 

* score:+10 X-Complaints-To:**

* score:+10 X-Complaints-To:**

* score:+10 X-Complaints-To:** 

* score:+10 X-Complaints-To:**

* score:+10 X-Complaints-To:**

* score:+10 X-Complaints-To:** 

* score:+10 X-Complaints-To:** 

* score:+10 X-Complaints-To:** 

* score:+10 X-Complaints-To:** 

* score:+10 X-Complaints-To:**


* drop score:10

# End NFilter.dat list