

Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 11 months ago

Link 3 Filter

Filtering-with-NewsProxy Page


The following nfilter file is used to eliminate posts that exceed a specified number of crossposts based on the Xref: or Newsgroups: header field, using the drop method. The newsgroup wildcard can be replaced with a specific newsgroup name if desired. Edit and update as needed.


The minimum number of newsgroups needed to drop the message is the same as the number of colons or commas in the filter (not including the colon in the header field name).

For example, to drop messages containing two or more newsgroups, use the following filter:


* drop Newsgroups:.*,.*,.*

To drop messages containing three or more newsgroups, use the following filter:

* drop Newsgroups:.*,.*,.*,.*

To drop messages containing four or more newsgroups, use the following filter:

* drop Newsgroups:.*,.*,.*,.*,.*


...and so on.


# Start Nfilter.dat list

# Any line that starts with a # is a comment line and will be ignored.

# Blank lines are not permitted.

# This list requires that "Enable Regular Expressions" be turned on.

# In NewsProxy Click Edit | Configuration, then check the

# Regular Expressions box.


# Drop messages with 3 or more newsgroups using Xref: header field

* drop xref:.*:.*:.*:.*


# End NFilter.dat list


If your news server can read the Newsgroups: field, that would be better than using the Xref: field since the Newsgroups: field will contain *all* the crossposts, whereas Xref: contains only those crossposts your news server recognizes.


# Start Nfilter.dat list

# Any line that starts with a # is a comment line and will be ignored.

# Blank lines are not permitted.

# This list requires that "Enable Regular Expressions" be turned on.

# In NewsProxy Click Edit | Configuration, then check the

# Regular Expressions box.


# Drop messages with 3 or more newsgroups using Newsgroups: header field

* drop Newsgroups:.*,.*,.*,.*


# End NFilter.dat list

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