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Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 11 months ago

Program Name: ePrompter

Category: Email Manager

Author/Company: Tiburon Technologies Inc

Ware Type: Donationware

Operating Systems: Win 9x/ME/2K/XP

Languages: English


Description: ePrompter automatically and simultaneously checks and retrieves your e-mail messages from up to 16 web based or POP3 password-protected e-mail accounts. EPrompter can check most popular web accounts such as AOL, Hotmail, Yahoo, Earthlink, Excite, Juno, GO, Gmail, Email.com, Mail.com, Mindspring, MSN, MyWay, OneBox, Rediffmail, USA.net, among others.


ePrompter acts as a text-only mini-client that lets you compose, forward, and reply to your retrieved messages, but it also gives you the ability to delete spam or other unwanted mail without having to launch your e-mail program or having to go to your Web mail's site. On a per account basis, you can choose to view the text or headers only.


ePrompter notification features include a unique rotating tray icon and a choice of five screensavers that let you know at a glance the number of new messages in each account, as well as audio alerts for new messages. You can automatically check all accounts at a specified time inteval, or manually check all of your accounts at once or individually


Home Page: http://www.eprompter.com/

Download Page: http://www.download.com/3000-2369_4-10045181.html

Filename: epsetup.exe

Version: 2.0 Build 2 SR 94

Size: 903 KB


(Desc. Rev. 10/9/06)

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