Category: Organizer
Subcategory: Movies
Ant Movie Catalog
Company: -- Author: Antoine Potten
(Freeware)(open source)
Windows OS: Windows
Other OS: GNU/Linux using WinE
Languages: English and approx. 30 other languages
Description: AAnt Movie Catalog is a free (really free, i.e. the source code is available) program made to manage your collection of movies DVD, CD (VideoCD, DivX, ...) and tapes. NOTES: I recommend to REGULARLY DO A BACKUP COPY OF YOUR CATALOG FILE (.amc/.xml file), especially before testing a new version.
Home page:
download page: v (2006-07-29) [ amc_install.exe (3588 KB)] [ amc_full.rar (3397 KB)]
(desc. rev.: 2006-10-16)
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